

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rules and punishments and the traditions of Angelus's lair

Note: Rules and punishments apply to all Sired by Angelus weather they live with him or not. Also punishments are all administered by Angelus. Traditions and facts listed below also apply to all children unless mentioned otherwise.


1. No fighting with each other. Ex: No hitting or harming each other.
2. No Challenging Angelus in ANY way.
3. No running away from home.
4. No disobedience.
5. No disrespect. 


* Spanking ( Main punishment) ( administered with Hand, Hairbrush, strap, or other utensil but mostly one of the three.) 
* Sexual punishment ( Forced pleasure or other sexual acts done roughly.) 
* Slap in the face 
* Corner time 

Traditions Angelus uses to raise his children. 

Soother - New male fledglings must get down on their knees and suck Angelus's cock and swallow his cum. 

Sexual relationships - Angelus like most Sire's have sex and do other sexual things with their children. Partly for training and party for the pleasure. 

* after 20 or 30 years Angelus offers his fledglings their freedom therefor declaring that they aren't fledglings anymore but that they are still his children and he still has Sire rights and can claim them at any time. Most leave when it's offered. 

Other info / vampire facts 

What can kill a vampire?
* Stake in the heart
* sunlight
* decapitation
* Fire

What is a blood link?
* Connection that bonds a Sire to their childe.

Do vampires have souls?
* Most vampire's don't have souls
* Some vampires that are under the age of 19 when turned end up gaining their souls back. But not all and not often.

Vampires also have no reflection in mirrors and they have to be invited into a humans house before they can enter.

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