

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Angelus turns William

1881 London 

"What do you think dear?" Darla asked the young blonde intrigued her.
Angelus smirked "I think I'd better not let him get too far away my dear. I'll return later lover. Much  later. I think I'll have me a good time taming that one." Angelus said kissing Darla passionately and then went to stalk his prey.

William after seeing the man thought back to a story his mother told him once. It was about a monster. Angelus the demon with face of an angel. That man definitely had the face of an angel.

William sat down in an ally upset that he would now be what everyone was talking about.

He heard footsteps approach and he looked up to tell whoever it was to leave him alone but he froze as he saw the man from the street.
He briefly wondered where the woman was and why the man was here? But it left his mind as the man gave him a smile.
Angelus held out his hand to the boy "Come on lad. Come with me. I've got a treat for you." Angelus said in a tempting tone.
William looked sheepishly at the man but decided to take his hand.
Angelus led him to a carriage and it took them to a barn out in the middle of nowhere.
Angelus got out first and held out his hand to the boy.
William hesitated then took the hand and Angelus led the trusting boy the the barn.
Then hit him so hard that it knocked him out.
He stripped the boy and tied him the hands to the bed post leaving his legs free so that Angelus could spread them wide if he wanted to.
When William woke he wasn't sure what had happened. Then he felt the rope that had his hands bound and he looked around and found the man sitting in a chair looking at him.
"What's your name boy?" Angelus asked.
"William. Release me. Please." William begged.
Angelus grew hard as he heard the begging. That's when he made his choice. The boy's begging was so sweet. He wanted to hear it for longer then just one night. He would not break the boy. No then he would be no fun at all. He wouldn't break the boy until after he turned him.

"William. My name is Angelus. Perhaps you've heard of me?" Angelus asked.
William paled. "The demon with the face of an angel. But he's not real!" William said panicked.
Angelus smirked "Demon with the face of an angel. I always hated that. But I'm real alright boy. Let me show you just how real I am." Angelus said as he came over and climbed onto the boys body.
William bucked "Get off!" he begged. Angelus covered his mouth with his own forcing the boys lips open for a kiss. While his hands roamed and ripped the shirt off the boy.
Once the shirt was shredded Angelus released Williams lips.
"Make any more noise and I'll have to punish you. I won't harm you. Not fatally anyway. Your survive this. Now you do exactly as I say. Or I'll have to hurt you. You don't want me to hurt you do you?" Angelus asked in a soft tone.
William shook his head no.
Angelus nodded "Alright then. Stay still and don't move sweetling." Angelus commanded as he got off the bed and stripped his own shirt off then his pants and soon he was naked. He came over and pulled Williams pants off him not wanting to rip all his clothing. William trembled as he was now naked before Angelus and the monster was just as scary as everyone said. But there was also a softness to the man that he hadn't expected to find.

Angelus parted Williams legs so that he could move between them. He captured the boys mouth wanting to face him when he took him for the first  time. Angelus thrust into the boys virgin hole and William screamed into his mouth Angelus chuckled deep in his throat and continued to force the boy to kiss him and he began to thrust hard and fast. William trying to buck him off just made him thrust more viciously into the boy.
William didn't understand how it could hurt so much. It burned and he felt like he was being ripped open.
He was soon crying from the pain of being taken so roughly.
Angelus licked a stray tear and continued to thrust and then his hot mouth came down on the boys right nipple and he sucked it into his mouth forcefully sucking which gave the boy a small amount of pleasure. Not much but he was lucky that Angelus gave him even that much.
Angelus lifted the boys hips and drove more fully into him and soon William knew nothing but the pain. Angelus continued to thrust until he felt himself coming and then he began to move savagely keeping his mouth attached to the boys nipple sucking hard and William felt more pain as Angelus moved so fast that it wasn't humanly possible. Then Angelus came fast and hard into the boy. He hadn't come that hard in almost ten years. Which told him one thing. This boy was special and he had made the right choice.

He bit into the boys tender nipple and the boy screamed loud as Angelus sucked deeply on his blood until he had almost drained him. The Angelus stood up and bit into his hand forcing the boys mouth open and made him drink the blood. Then William died.

Angelus didn't untie the boy. Not yet. He would wait until he wakened and then he would put him in his place and show him the ropes of being a vampire.

He kissed the boys dead lips "You had best learn to stop fighting me boy. Cause if you don't well your pain won't bother me none. In fact it's my pleasure to inflict pain on you boy. Learn your lessons fast boy. Or you'll suffer far more then you'd like." Angelus said with a smirk and thought of all the horrible punishments he could inflict on the boy. It certainly would be his pleasure.
When William opened his eyes he didn't remember anything at first. Then everything came back to him. The monster Angelus had raped him and then bit him and drank his blood and then he had felt as if Angelus had made him drink something too. He looked around realized first that he was still tied up and second that Angelus had gone out because there were several dead bodies from which Angelus had fed from while he had been asleep. Then he saw Angelus smiling as he saw his fledgling wake up. 

"It's about time you came back to me. I been here for three days, Had to go out hunting to stay well fed for when you woke up. I'll explain things as best I can but what I tell you now is the truth and you must learn to accept it. Do you remember me biting you?" Angelus asked.

William nodded yes.
"Do you know what happened after that?" Angelus asked and when William didn't answer Angelus went on. 

"I drank your blood and then you drank my blood. I don't do this all the time William. What I did was I turned you into a vampire like me. You need blood to live this life.  You are now stronger in every sense of the word. Even your sense of smell and your hearing has increased as well. I am a master vampire also known as a Sire. I sired you. You are my fledgling. My Childe. I will take care of you and teach you all that you need to know. And I will also love you and punish you when you need it. I will advise now.. Do not cross me William. You will not enjoy being punished. I promise you that. For the first several months  it will be just you and me. You have to get used to me and my ways and the rules before I consider taking you to meet my mate Darla. You'll like her. And Drusilla. But as I said you will be with me first. And when I think you are ready then you will meet them." Angelus said.

After all that had sunk in William realized he did feel different Which was strange. 

"Also you will call me Angelus or Sire. Or You may also call me daddy. Since that is what I am now. You may only call me those three things. Do you have questions?" Angelus asked. 

"I think I'm hungry." William said not sure. 

Angelus smirked "Of course you are my boy. Of course you are. Why do you think I've been feeding so much? I usually only have perhaps three a night but not always. I had twice that in these days while waiting for you. It's called eating for two. It's what mothers do. And Sire's. At first at least all male Sire's do it. Now before I untie you you must promise to stop when I tell you to stop. You must learn to listen to me. Most fledglings can't make thier demon face right away. But you'll learn to. Do you promise to do as I saw?" Angelus asked.

William nodded feeling a gnawing in his gut. 

"Alright then. If you behave and take your soother then you'll get a treat. Be bad and you'll get your first punishment." Angelus said as he came over and untied his boy then he sat down and beckoned him forward. "Come now William. Come sit here right on daddies knee." Angelus said as he pulled the blushing boy to sit on his knee like a child. 

Angelus used his left hand to cut his own nipple open causing blood to gush out he took the boys head and brought it down to his nipple "Suckle my sweet boy. That's it." Angelus said happily as the boy's mouth covered his nipple and he did suck on the blood drinking it down. 
Angelus re-positioned him so that William was cradled like a baby in his arms his noisy suckling the only sound in the room. Angelus purred and then used his other hand to rhythmically pat the boys bottom gently. He chuckled and then praised the boy "That's my good boy. My sweet little boy. William my precious boy. There there. Your in my strong hands now." Angelus said and with a final sigh he said softly "That's enough William." Angelus said but William continued to suckle and Angelus put a strong hand under the boys chin prying his face away making William whine but Angelus didn't release him. "I said that's enough boy. When I tell you to stop you stop. Hear me?" Angelus asked and William nodded "Sorry. It's just. I want more. I still feel hungry." William said not understanding what was happening to him. Why he was allowing this man to treat him like an infant. And for some reason not wanting it to stop.

"I know. But it's only your mind boy. Making you think you need more. I let you have as much as you need. I will not let any childe of mine over indulge on my blood. You only need a certain amount. Just because you want more doesn't mean you need more. Do you understand?" Angelus asked.
It did make sense. "Yeah." he answered. 

"Good boy. And now it's time to take your soother. You'll learn to love your soother." Angelus said in a soft voice. 

William looked at him curiously "Soother? Like an infant soother?" William asked.

Angelus shook his head no. "Down on your knees before me my boy. Go on." Angelus urged him onto his knees before the sitting man. 

Angelus unbuttoned his trousers and slid them down enough to step out of them and spread his legs revealing his large erection to the boy. 

Angelus touched his erection as he sat back down and looked carefully at the boy "This is your soother boy. Each day at least once you will be on your knees taking your soother. Pay attention now and I'll show you exactly what to do." Angelus said.

William objected "But that's not a soother that's your...." William didn't say the word because it wasn't proper to say that.

Angelus smirked "Oh it's your soother boy. It's what daddy has for you to keep you from fussing. As I said you'll learn to love it. Now what your going to do is come forward and take it in your mouth all the way in until your all the way down on it. Then you will suck just as you did on my nipple but there will be no blood to swallow. You will suck and continue until you feel me thrust into your mouth. When I begin to thrust prepare yourself because It will be rough and when I come inside your mouth you will swallow every bit of it. If you do this properly I'll give you a treat when it's over." Angelus promised. 

William didn't like the idea but he figured he didn't really have a choice. He already knew Angelus would hurt him if he didn't do it and it couldn't be that bad. Could it? He could at least try it. 

William came forward as Angelus had instructed he was now directly between the other mans legs and he looked up at his sire and then did as he was told. He looked down at the erection and covered it with his mouth all the way down and he would have gagged but he didn't need to breath. Angelus's hand went to his head to keep him there he supposed. 

"Good boy. Now suckle. Good. Now do it again only go up and down on it like this." Angelus instructed as he guided the boys head with his hand going up and down and then settling again at the very bottom. William let Angelus control his mouth so that he could please Angelus. 

When Angelus began to thrust into his mouth hard and fast and his hand kept the boys head where it was now Angelus was the one doing all the work as he pumping into the sweet mouth of his boy working up to his climax. Then he came into the boys mouth hard. 
William felt the hot sticky cum in his mouth for the first time and it tasted awful he almost spit it out but there was so much that he was forced to swallow until finally it was all gone from his mouth but he could still taste it.  He was thankful when Angelus's hand relaxed in his hair and he pulled the boys mouth off of him .

He looked down lovingly at his boy "Ah Sweetling. You took your soother like a good boy. Now come and daddy will give you treat." Angelus said as he stood and led the boy to the bed. 

When they reached the bed Angelus pushed William back to land on it and then followed him down giving him a sweet kiss and then said "This moment boy....Treasure it. For what I am about to do will not happen often. No matter how good you are. Only when you have truly pleased me will I do this." Angelus then tied the boys hands so that they couldn't touch him. 

William was afraid and not sure of what Angelus was going to do. 

Angelus spread the boys legs and his finger lightly touched the boys hole then Angelus lifted the boys legs and William couldn't see what Angelus did but it felt as if he was touching his hole with his tongue. It felt so good. But then Angelus placed his legs back down and the finger was back spreading his cheeks and when it entered there was only a small amount of pain and then Angelus's head went to the boys own erection and he was shocked when Angelus's own mouth went down on the boy and while Angelus was sucking him he felt the finger go deeper and touch him in a way that made him pulse with pleasure. Angelus's finger had found it's mark. The boys prostate. And he began to gently stroke the boys love button. Coaxing him to climax working him from both ends  When he felt William getting close his finger sped up its pace and the sucking began more aggressive and then William came hard trembling with the pleasure. 
Angelus easily swallowed the boys cum and then moved up along the trembling boy still lost in his hazy world of pleasure. Angelus was pleased too. It seemed that weather he was causing pain or pleasure he seemed to love it every time the boy cried out. His cries of pleasure made Angelus hard just as the cries of pain had. 

A week later the boy was getting used to taking his 'soother' as Angelus called it and he had also gotten used to having to feed from Angelus. He learned to make his demon face and change back to his human face. Then there was the first time they left the barn. Angelus was heading to a hotel for them to stay in warning that they would feed but would have to keep a low profile "Now William." Angelus sad while in the carriage "This is to be the first time I teach you hunt and feed. You to do exactly as I say and I might let you chose your own victim soon. Make any mistakes and I'll have your hide and you'll feeding off me for a week." Angelus said which meant that William would only get as much as he needed and not as much as he wanted. Angelus had brought a human home and showed William how to kill and feed from the human. Then he had decided they should go elsewhere so now Angelus was going to let William be with people for the first time and also planned to have William slaughter his family. He couldn't wait to see how William handled that news.

Once in town Angelus taught William to pick someone that wouldn't be missed. Like the homeless children or a common street walker. 

Angelus chose two humans. One that he would feed on and one that William was to feed on. 

Angelus drained the man he had chosen for himself and William snapped the neck of the other man and drained him. When they done William found Angelus looked at him not exactly angry but obviously something had annoyed him. 

"What?" William asked wondering if he done something wrong.

"Did I tell you to kill him before you drained him?" Angelus asked.

"No Sire." William answered confused as to why that mattered. 

"Then why did you snap his neck?" Angelus asked.

"Why shouldn't I?" William asked back.

"Don't you are sass me Boyo I told you to do as I say. And I said to drain him. Not to kill him and then drain him!" Angelus snapped angrily then Angelus stormed over grabbed William's left hand which was the one he had used to snap the mans next thinking carefully he decided to go easy on him for his first punishment. Angelus smacked the left hand several times hard enough that it made William yelp and then tears gathered in his eyes. And he looked pleadingly at Angelus "Stop. Please stop!" William begged but he got one last sharp slap on that hand which made him cry. 
Angelus released his hand and and watched as William cradled the sore hand and Angelus lightly scolded "Next time do exactly as I tell you to. Or next time I'll really hurt those pretty fingers of yours. What did I say would happen if you didn't do exactly as I said?" Angelus asked.

William feeling sorry for himself and very afraid said "you said you would punish me and then I'd have to feed from you." 

"I did. Now You've been punished and for the rest of the week you stay in our room at the hotel and you'll feed from me as you did the first three days of your life. Now come. I think it's time you went to bed wee one." Angelus said as he put his arm around the boys waist and walked him back to their hotel. 

Then a day later  William endured his first real punishment. 

William was tired of being treated like a child and was mad that Angelus has said he couldn't leave the run at night and that he had to wait until Angelus returned to feed him. So instead in a show of defiance William left the room and started to wonder around out of the streets but he kept a close eyes around for Angelus not wanting to be caught out of the room. He was scared of punishment but not so much that he wasn't wanting to feel the pleasure that the small defiance was giving him. 

Angelus came back to the hotel room and when he found no sign of William a dark look of rage crossed his face. How dare his childe disobey him! Though it was his own fault. He should have punished the boy properly the other night. He hadn't wanted to scare the boy too badly right away. Drusilla had gone insane because of all the inventive tortures that Angelus had performed on her. Angelus played his options in his head. He could either go out and find the disobedient boy and drag him home for his punishment or he could wait here for him hiding in the shadows so that when the boy came home he would think he was safe and had gotten away with it. Angelus decided on the later of the options. His fledgling would get bored on the streets and he knew William would not stay gone long for fear of being caught. Angelus hummed to himself as he found his pliers those would come in handy. He would smell the boy when he came home and if the boy had fed on his own then the plies would come in handy when he broke the boys fingers. He wouldn't break them all of course. He would only break one of two. But he would break every bone in the fingers that he chose. Angelus found several items that he would use on the boy weather he had hunted on is own or not. He would suffer his first true punishment and if he had hunted he would truly never forget this night. 

Angelus waited in the shadows of the room for his boy to come home. He only had to wait an hour.  

William came in seeing no sign of his Sire and he shut the door beginning to head to his room when he felt something smash his head and passed out. Angelus locked the door and carried his fledgling out the their private carriage. It was too risky to do it here so Angelus took him back to the barn and tied him to the bed the items were set on the table by the bed. 

Once William woke up he found Angelus leaning over him practically sitting on him. But he was pinned down by his sire and his hands were tied and they seemed to be back at the barn. 

He had never seen the look Angelus was giving him before. It was a deceptively gentle gaze. But there was a coldness in those dark eyes that truly made William afraid. 

"You fed before you came home. You made of mess of your clothes." Angelus said conversationally and William noticed that he was naked. 

"Why are we here?" William asked.

"Oh sweet Will." Angelus said and then his body covered the boy and he whispered in his ear "I couldn't very well punish you there my boy. Your screams alone would have made them come running." Angelus said and he sat up again watching William eye him warily. 

"What will you do?" William asked.

"Ah ah. My boy. Telling you ruins half the fun. Cause then you know what's coming don't you? So No pretty William. I won't be telling you. You'll just be feeling it. And feeling it. And feeling it. For a long time." Angelus said he held up a key and unlocked on of Williams hands he leaned over to the table grabbing the pliers and he put his full weight on the boy pinning him there while his right hand maneuvered William's pointing finger in between the pliers grip. William stiffened in fear but he couldn't move. 

He did try to buck but it didn't even effect his sire. 

"This my pretty boy. Is for hunting on your own. You don't do that until I give you permission to." Angelus said and then squeezed the pliers hard enough to make the first crack and then William felt the pain and he screamed and tried to move away but Angelus was big and had the boy pinned he stopped moving because it only made Angelus squeeze harder but he continued to scream and he began to beg "Please stop! I'm sorry! Stop your hurting me! Why are you hurting me?! I'm sorry. Please. Please stop!" William screamed out and there was more cracking and more pain as Angelus broke several areas of the finger the boy began to tremble with the pain under him. Angelus moved to the second finger when William felt the pliers on his middle finger he began to cry though Angelus hadn't started to squeeze yet. 
"One more boy. Just one more finger." Angelus said and squeezed the pliers breaking the bones in that finger too. Once that was over William was shaking with the shock and the pain and crying and screaming like a banshee. 

Angelus wasn't quite finished yet. But he knew his boy needed time for that pain to ease before he began to give him more. So he moved to the side and since the boys arm was free he could pull him into his arms he held the crying boy and murmured words of love and comfort "Shh. My sweet baby boy. Your alright. You'll be alright. In a weeks time it will heal and be nothing but a bad memory. Shh. My poor precious boy." Angelus crooned. 

William cried into the strong chest "It's hurts!" William cried. 

"Shh. My baby. I know it does. I know it hurts. Daddies got you baby. Your alright. Shh." Angelus rubbed the boys back to calm him and placed kissed all over his face until he felt the boy go limp in his arms meaning he had worn himself out and was now asleep. 

Angelus checked the two broken fingers.  They would heal fine. And since William would be drinking his blood for the next two weeks it should heal faster then one week. Angelus looked over to the table where he had laid the real punishment at. The brown strap as wide as two fingers and about two inches thick. It would teach the boy to obey him. The same way it had taught Drusilla to obey him. And she was crazy. 

Angelus bandaged the two fingers to help with the healing. 

Two hours later his boy stirred beside him. He whimpered as he felt the small stabs of pain in the two fingers. 

"Shh. My baby. look here." Angelus said showing him his bandaged fingers "Daddy took care of you while you were sleeping. They'll heal nicely now." Angelus said and kissed William again.

"You hurt me." William whined. 

"yes I did my boy. I punished you because you were told to not hunt on your own. You were also told that you would be feeding off me for a week because you didn't do as you were told the first night I took you to feed in town. And you will not ever get away with disobeying me. Those fingers were your punishment for feeding on your own. Of course it wouldn't have happened if you had stayed in the room as you were told. I also must punish you for that," Angelus said in a sorrowful voice although didn't actually regret any of it seeing as he had no soul. 

William trembled and then cried "No. Please don't break me anymore! Please. I'm sorry I was bad. I'll be good. I swear I will. You said that finger was the last." William whined and Angelus was quick to comfort him kissing him all over his face again "Shh. Yes I did. And I won't hurt anymore of your pretty fingers tonight William. You will not get the same punishment for everything you do. You punishment for leaving without permission is a spanking." Angelus said even though it would be more like a lashing and just as painful as one. 

William calmed at that. He could take a spanking. It was a child's punishment. 

"Come now wee one. Shall we get it over with?" Angelus asked and William nodded. 

Angelus turned the boy over keeping the other hand tied to the bed Angelus came back and put his knee in the middle of the boys back to hold him down and then he put the boys hand behind his back holding it there by his wrist so that the boy wouldn't reach back and then he laid into the boy again and again with the strap. After 50 which was more then William had ever had he was crying again and Angelus continued after 60 there were blisters forming and Angelus stopped. 

He laid the strap aside and pulled a hair brush from his pocket then he really laid into the boy William screamed and cried through the entire second round with the brush. Angelus put that knowledge aside for later as he peppered the boys dark crimson backside until it was well blistered and a dark puce with bruising on his sit spots. William just cried and cried the waves of agony washing through him seemed unbearable but then when his Sire was finally done with the lesson and he came back to the bed to hold him and cuddle him and murmured comforting words to him William cuddles back and cried into his chest and fell asleep despite his extremely blistered backside and his hurting fingers that were nothing compared to how his backside felt. 

Angelus continued to comfort him placing kisses and being gentle as can be "Shh. it's all over now my precious boy. My sweet beautiful boy. I know it hurts. But it has to hurt or you'll never learn. Shh. My baby. Daddy has you. Daddies got you little one."  

It really had been nightmare for William. And he truly never did forget. 

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