

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Angelus turns Tommy

Though Tommy was 18 he was also in love with a pretty girl. And in the mid 1950's he met Angelus twice. Once when he was just a child. A boy of only 12 years old. And he witnessed some of Angelus' evil acts. His mother had been there too. And Angelus had spared her and the boy. Merely smirked at the  boy looked at the mother and asked "What's this little boys name? Huh?" he asked and the mother panicked not saying anything. "Tommy." Tommy had told Angelus his name and his mother was frightened now Angelus chuckled slapping the boy lightly on the cheek and said "Cute kid." and then left. Tommy and his mother were the only ones left alive and they couldn't explain what they had seen the demon and his minions do. Angelus often traveled with one of two minions to wait on him at home.Angelus had left. But he often went to the same cities again and again and 6 years later and Angelus found himself in the same area again. He briefly wondered about the boy. He had only left the mother alive because he did indeed think the kid was cute. And he had decided to come back and check up on the kid now that he would be more grown up. Surprisingly the kid found him. The same way that he had found him last time. About to kill someone. He was bent down by a man covered in gasoline and he held a lite match before the mans face and that's when Tommy walked into the store and stopped gasping not just at what he had walked in on but also because of the sight of Angelus. The first and only person to ever lay a hand on him. He had always remember the scary man but also because the man had hit him in the face. It hadn't hurt. But it made an impression. Angelus merely glanced at the boy and then blew out the lite match saying lightly "Just kidding." the match still stood in his hands though. One minion stood to his side while another was now behind Tommy approaching. Now Angelus stood up and gazed at the boy. He grinned lightly "Tommy?" he asked though he could smell for himself that the boy was the same. He smelled just like the little boy.
Tommy just stared at him "You haven't changed. You haven't aged at all. Mother was right. Your not human. What are you?" Tommy asked.
Angelus snapped his fingers at the minion behind Tommy "Back off Jeremy. He's mine." Angelus took slow menacing steps towards him and he smelled no fear. "Your not scared." Angelus commented.
"I'm already dying. There's not much else that can happen to me. I'm not afraid of you. I'm already damned." Tommy said unaware that he had just captured Angelus' heart with his words. "Damned huh? I like the sound of that kid." Angelus said as he smelled that the boy had some kind of human cancer. One that was deadly in those days and would kill the boy. "Hmm. You know what kid?" Angelus asked.
"What?" Tommy asked unafraid.
Angelus threw an arm casually around the boys neck pulling him in close as if they were friends "I don't think I like the idea of those pretty blues of yours closing in death for all time. You know...I left you alive that day despite the fact that I have never done that before. And you intrigued me even then. But now I think I know why I left you alive that day. Some people in this world are luckier then others. Some get cancer and die. And some get turned into something that saves them from mortal death. But which is which do you think? Is it the ones that die that are lucky? Or the ones that live forever? Some people are just chosen sometimes. And those that are chosen by me....We'll they were just simply meant to be mine. Weather they knew it then or not. I can see it now. I can see you Tommy. And I'll have you baby. You were meant to be mine." Angelus leered into the boys ear and Tommy squirmed out of his grasp and glared " You are a piece of work you know that? Make it sound like your trying to do me a favor. I know what you are..Vampire. And I don't want what your offering. Thanks but no thanks. I think I'd rather die then be what you are. I'd rather die then be a murderer." Tommy said.
Angelus snorted a gave a smirk to the other two vampires then turned back to the boy "I'm sorry...I must have missed the part where I said you had a choice in this? And just so we're clear.....we do this my way. You don't get a choice. I chose you. You don't get to object to that. No wait. Object all you want. It won't make any difference. I'll still have you boy." Angelus promised. Tommy ran throwing the door open letting the sun shine in and then ran out while the vampires got out of the way of the sun. The man that was covered in oil ran outside as well to get help. Angelus growled low "Your gonna pay for that little boy."

When it was dark two days later Angelus had left the boy alone long enough to make him think that he was safe and then he hunted him down. He found him in a hospital bed. He had been admitted because of a painful attack. Angelus picked him up out of the bed and carried the sleeping boy all the way to his mansion. He placed the boy on his bed and waited for him to wake up. It didn't take that long.

When Tommy woke up he found that he couldn't move his arms. He opened his eyes and first saw the shackles keeping his arms trapped above him then he saw the room and then he spotted Angelus sipping red whine by the door. Angelus came forward over to him and decided that he didn't want to risk raping the sick boy. He would turn him first and then he would have his full of that luscious body. So Angelus lunged at the boys throat drinking his blood and then cut his wrist open and fed him from the blood and then the boy died and rose again 3 nights later.

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